Category: Articles
Articles and tutorials with step-by-step guides.
Optimizing InDesign Documents for Accessibility
If you are optimizing InDesign documents to create publications, whether in interactive PDF or eBook (ePUB) format, follow these best practices.
PDF Accessibility Checkers
Learn about the different accessibility checkers for accessible PDF documents (PDF/UA), and the most common mistakes of doing so with Acrobat.
Choosing an e-Book Format
There are two main types of e-book: dynamic and fixed layout, and it is important to know both before deciding on the appropriate format.
eBooks with Apple Pages
Imagine being able to generate ebooks in a few hours with the help of free applications and that are already included in the Apple devices and computers you use every day.
Creating Accessible PDFs
Achieve interactive and accessible PDFs easy-to-use for all users, through various stages of preparation, remediation and final validation.